Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine Goodies!

A Valentine Armadillo? What's that?
The Valentine Armadillo stopped by our house this Saturday & dropped off some goodies for Bethany. Bethany got her first MagnaDoodle. She loves to "dolor" with it. She has gotten quite good as you can see from her scribbles...(err) priceless works of art!

She also got 3 homemade Elmo/Zoe Pillows! Now she won't steal Mommy's neck pillow. She got one gigantic rectangle & 2 smaller pillows.

Here is Bethany just getting up her Sunday Nap using her Elmo Pillow for the first time! When she got out of the crib, she wanted to bring the pillow with her....which is a funny sight being that the pillow is over half her size! :)

Hopefully, you also had a nice, loving visit from the Armadillo! We don't want to be the only family on his Valentine route!