I am not sure how much of a "break" we are getting this Spring Break....but I do know we are having tons o' fun & that's all that matters to me! Here are some snippets of what the goings-on for the Milles house this week!
We enjoyed playing outside for most of the day. We walked to the library, played in the newly-rediscovered wagon & hung out in the backyard while dinner was on the BBQ! Daddy even took her on a bike ride with our cool pull-along wagon-thingy!
We went to the zoo. Bethany loves the "Nanimals." She did such a good job at the zoo. She walked most of the time (while holding hands of course!) She even got to ride the carousel again! She loved it. She got to ride the "Siger." She was so good & so engrossed in everything around her! After the zoo, we even got to go up to Grandma M's work & have lunch with her! Bethany loves to visit her Grandma!
Here is what is in the pictures above: Picture 1: Baby2's head & a hand; Picture 2: foot and something??; Picture 3: A great face shot; Picture 4: fingers & maybe a foot?; Picture 5: a 2-D image of the face.
Bethany got to watch the ultrasound take place. She was a little uneasy being in a darkened room with a stranger rubbing a bunch of goo and a probe all over her Mommy's belly....but she got to see Baby2. I am wondering if any of it made much sense to her at all...she seemed to get it even more that there is a baby inside.
Anyhow...here is what we learned about Baby2. Baby2 weighs about 4lbs and 11oz. This puts the little booger in the 93rd percentile! YIKES! That is big! No wonder I feel it whenever he/she blinks...he/she is so big I am feeling every minuscule movement. However, all of Baby2's body parts look to be in the right places, so that is always a high relief! We will have to just wait and see a few more weeks exactly how big this baby plans on getting!
Isn't great to be outside again? We are loving it too!!!!
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