Here is the latest and greatest news on Bethany:
Weight: 15 lbs (even).........25th percentile
Height: 25 inches (even).......25th percentile
Head: 17 inches (even).........75th percentile
She is still a small baby with a BIG head. :) However, when I look at her, I do feel her head is proportional to her body. I just think she has so many brains to store up there!
She got FIVE (5!!!) shots this week. That has not agreed with her too well. She has been very spitty-uppy. She hasn't been eatting/drinking. Poor thing. Hopefully, things will return to normal. She has had all of these shots before, beside the flu shot. So, I am blaming all of that on the flu shot.
Bethany has started to get on all 4's and rocking back and forth. She hasn't crawled yet...but getting closer.
she is expressing interest in the keyboard right this message is from her:
. vgfb K?:;