.....Getting Older!
Both of the Milles kids made it to another milestone this weekend.
On Friday, Owen turned 1 month old! Here he is doing what he does best (during the day time hours, that is!):
On Sunday Bethany turned the big 0-2! She loved having a birthday. She's been singing happy birthday for the past month. Usually in the song, she'll include the name of one of her friends from the sitters. But this time, she was so excited to sing it to herself! She loved having cake and presents, of course!
Here she is digging into the first stash of presents for the day.
Bethany checking out her homemade Elmo cake. It came out pretty good...and she loved it...which is all that counts!
Overall, her birthday was a huge success! She had a great time. She got to see lots family members, got lots of cake and got lots of presents. If you ever had the burning desire to know the answer to the question, "Just how many presents does a 2 year-old get for her birthday." The answer is: an insane amount of presents! It is amazing that 2 years and 1 day ago, we had no kids and, thus, no toys. But since that remarkable day we now have 2 kids and to go with them 3 rooms and a garage full of toys! It is a bit much to think about and makes me feel like we are a materialistic family...although we strive as hard as possible NOT to be materialistic. I guess an agglomeration of toys comes with the territory, although I do see a donation to a local charity when they out grow the toys in the near future!
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