Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sensational Summer Snapshots!

Bethany is outside. All. The. Time! She loves it. Here are a few snapshops of her playing outside this past weekend.

Look at her. Isn't she stunning!

Sitting outside eating a popsicle. Nope....she can't eat those inside yet. She's way to slow at consuming those sticky little delectable treats!

Taking a break from playing in the water! We had so much fun. I think we had 90% of the kids on the street playing with a couple of kids we've never seen before (no joke...I had no idea where those kids came from!).
Here are some of the neighbors going through the "car wash" Grandpa M. made Bethany for her birthday.
Playing with Michael B. from Kirksville. It was a ton of fun to watch the two of them play. Plus, it was the first time Bethany had a friend on her new swingset!
They even were trying to find new uses for the swing. They became pretty inovative...until one of them would hit their heads on something (or each other!)


Rob said...

Your car wash has inspired me! I think I'm going to build one for Sam & Eva :)