So a couple of days ago, I put Cory on a mission to buy Bethany some more pj's in a bigger size (24 months!!!). When he came home, he had 2 brand new footed-pj's for our little Slumber-Bee. The interesting thing is that both pairs are boy pj's---one pair is superman & one has dinosaurs. Perhaps Cory's secret desires for Baby2's gender are peeking through. He claims that the store was out of girl pj's. How convenient ! Although, I don't think it really matters; as Bethany is pretty adorable in whatever she wears! :)
Super Baby2:
As you can see in the picture above, Baby2 is cooking pretty good. I am bigger sooner with this kiddo than with Bethany. I grew out of regular clothes around 13 weeks. It is pretty crazy. I didn't need maternity clothes until 4-5 months for Bethany. Other than my size, we have more news on Baby2. We went to the doctor today. We got to hear the heartbeat, it is always a relief to hear the heart. I can't wait until I start feeling Baby2, that way I know that he/she is doing okay in there.
The more important news is that my antibody levels remained the same for this month. They are still present...but not at the "significant" level that they were at the first month. So this is a huge relief!!!! However, by trying to research my antibody-condition online, I've learned that the 16-20 weeks are the time where I could spike with antibodies. As the baby grows and gains more blood, my blood could develop more antibodies to fight the "foreign" body out.
Since Christmas is next month, I only have to wait 3 weeks for my next appointment. So not only will have to wait just 3 weeks in between blood results, but also I get to have my next ULTRASOUND! It will be nice to see how the baby is developing & not to mention it is always a huge relief to see the lil' body parts are all where they belong! We will still appreciate any prayers you have out there to offer...
P.S. I was a busy-bee poster make sure to read the other 2 posts I wrote this evening!
I need to know where Cory shops!! Sam would look awesome in those PJs. And more importantly... do they sell those in adult sizes?!
They are from good ole' Wal-Mart. But I am doubting they come in Adult sizes...probably a relief for Michele! ;)
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