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Thursday, July 2, 2009

June, July, August!

I used to hate it when I'd hear, "My 3 favorite things about teaching are: June, July, and August." This phrase would always get me worked up...that is until 2 years, 3 weeks & 4 days ago. On that day Bethany made me a Momma & ever since then, I love my summers!

I feel so incredibly blessed to have 2-3 months home a year with my babies. This time home has provided us with unbelievable bonding time & memories that are to be cherished forever!

Here are just a few pics from our lazy summer days:

Bethany helps Owen finish up one of his bottles.

Getting up close and personal with the camera.

Thinking about whether or not to smile at the camera...

Just us girls...the way we like it best!

So while you may not hear me say that my favorite part of teaching is June, July and August....I now have a great appreciate for those months off. After all, what other profession lets you have that much time to spend with your family?!?!